A telescope is a visual aid for observing distant objects, especially objects in the sky such as the moon and stars. The telescope can perform this function because of its ability to amplify light and enlarge shadows so that distant objects can look closer and clearer. Telescopes are also called binoculars.
Hans Lippershey who is an eyeglass maker comes from Middleburg, the Netherlands. on October 2, 1608, created the first tool called a telescope. This telescope has the ability to magnify objects observed up to five times. A year later in 1609, Galileo Galilei created the first telescope used in the field of astronomy, which could enlarge up to 20 times, so in 1610 he confirmed the theory of the “sun-centered universe”.
In 1668, Isaac Newton invented a new telescope, a telescope that used a mirror as a lens. So this discovery is a turning point in the history of science. Then in the 17th century, in the middle of that era, Havelius, a great astronomer from Germany made a telescope whose skeleton was created from 46 meters of wood.
Next Huygens, who is an astronomer from the Netherlands, uses a telescope with a different lens, the telescope also doesn’t use a tube at all and it consists of only two lenses.
In 1897, in Williams Bay, the United States, a Yerkes telescope with a diameter of 101 cm was made, making it the largest lens telescope in the world at that time. Until now, the biggest telescope is the Keck telescope made at the peak of the Mauna Kea volcano in Hawaii. The telescope has the ability to see an area eight times wider than the other ones.
That’s it for the information about telescopes that you may share with you in this article. Although our info is short, we hope it helps you to gain more precious knowledge regarding one of the most useful tools for science.