When you select prospective employees, you can test them with a knowledge test about the job. This test tests the information or knowledge that applicants have. The knowledge test must be by the needs to carry out the work. For example, prospective candidates for business development positions must know current market conditions by the industry of the company being applied for. Apart from that, perhaps you also need to hire staff solutions recruitment if your company cannot handle the selection process of new employees.
In addition to job knowledge tests, situational ability tests are in the form of simulations of applicants for certain roles in a job based on certain situations. For example, conducting a negotiation simulation between producers and distributors of goods amid a pandemic. Later, through this test, the applicant’s ability to master certain situations can be seen and clear prospects for overcoming them.
As a recruiter, you can also check the references and background of job applicants. When an applicant applies for a job, the applicant can include a reference from where he worked before. Employers can contact their former employers to check as well as make an estimate of the applicant’s ability to work. In addition, companies can check the background by searching, especially on social media. From this social media, the company can estimate the applicant’s character.
Next, the interview was conducted to get a more detailed picture of the applicant’s actions and attitudes. In the interview, the company will invite applicants to come to the office or via video conference. Applicants will then meet with HRD staff and relevant departments as needed. During the meeting, the company will ask questions to job applicants. Applicants can meet company staff one by one, it can also be all company staff together to conduct interviews.
Finally, work practices can provide hands-on practice for the job being applied for. This test requires applicants to demonstrate specific job duties. This form of test measures the applicant’s ability to carry out some part of the job that will be held. For example, computer practice, workshops, and others. This practical activity will show the applicant’s ability to do his job, including his knowledge and expertise on a job.