Job fairs or commonly called career fairs or career expos are a place that allows companies to meet with professional job seekers. In job fairs, employees, recruiters, and schools or campuses give information to each other in two directions. At this point, job seekers will go to each point with their best performance to give a good impression when meeting with the company in person. Not only meeting but access to questions and answers can also be obtained directly at the job fair. However, don’t forget to also use the online police check service to see the background of your employee candidates, so it’s safer for you to screen a lot of candidates that apply from the job fair event.
What are the benefits of a job fair for the company?
Benefits of Job Fair for Companies
Job fair or job market is not only useful for job seekers but also useful for companies. Some of these benefits include the following:
1. The time needed to obtain job applicants is shorter. Because in general, job fairs are held in one full day. For this reason, job fair participant companies need reliable employees in selecting job seekers.
2. There are many choices of job applicant candidates, so job fair participating companies are more flexible in choosing the best candidates.
3. Add and expand relationships between fellow job fair participants.
4. It can raise or popularize the company’s brand.
5. The cost of promotion is cheaper because it has been done by the job fair organizer.
Job Fair Purpose & Objectives
The purpose of the job fair event is to bring together job seekers and companies directly. So that it can simplify the placement process both for placement domestically and abroad. While the purpose of the job fair is to facilitate job seekers to get jobs that are in accordance with their talents, interests, and abilities. It also aims to help companies to get workers in accordance with company needs, and reduce unemployment through increasing the placement of workers.