Oh, the carpet cleaning joys-when you think the living room is finally spotless, along comes the dog, trotting through with muddy paws. In fact, for those living around the beautiful North Shore, Carpet Cleaning Sydney has its own peculiarity. Let’s dive into this unglamorous yet needed saga of keeping our carpets clean, while weighing the ups and downs of different methods.
Ever thought that the idea of cleaning carpets was just literally tossing them in the washer? One of the most common methods that people just love entails steam cleaning. It essentially jets hot water and cleaning solution directly into the fibers of the carpet. It’s like a sauna for your carpet-without the eucalyptus, of course. Pros-the real plus here is that it works wonders in removing dirt, dust mites, and other minuscule terrors responsible for irritated allergies. The catch is that it dries really slowly. Just imagine having a party while knowing the carpet is still damp; awkward.
Next comes dry cleaning, which is not only reserved for your best suit. Dry cleaning the carpet means specialized machines and very little moisture. Perfect for all those who believe patience is grossly overrated. Faster, like getting that fast food grease fix without the calories. Convenient, that just might not be getting your carpet quite as deeply clean if your kids have been into some particularly astute artwork with grape juice.
Second comes the shampoo method: much like washing your hair, sans the conditioner afterward. In shampooing, the whipped solution, through vigorous scrubbing, cleans the carpet. Excellent for those heavy-duty cleaning sessions when you really want to say your final goodbyes to the old and stubborn stains-just like Rocky Balboa getting into the ring once again. Unfortunately, this might leave some residue to attract future dirt-a little like leaving the back door open at a party.
Carpet Cleaning Sydney
38 Canoon Rd, South Turramurra NSW 2074, Australia
0413 194 766