Wet environmental conditions make the condition of the carpet becomes damp, but if the condition lasts long it will usually grow mold on the carpet area and not always on the surface could be mold growing under the carpet, the mold and mildew emit an unpleasant odor and even its impact can interfere with health. Anticipation is the best way when the environment is very humid due to flooding or exposure to rain, for example, do not let the humidity last long, in some cases we often find consumers do not know if the carpet is on the bottom in wet or damp conditions, because of the surface of the carpet in dry conditions. Make sure you use the first call restoration crew service.
Spray or flush with clean water to remove mud or dirt from floodwater. Position the carpet immediately so that the water is drained perfectly. After the water no longer runs or the dripping, it stands on its side so that the water drops in focus on the edge of the carpet. Vacuum the water at the end of the carpet with the vacuum so that the drain time is faster. After draining the sun with sunlight, in addition to drying UV rays can also kill germs. Do not let it wet for too long as a result germs and molds will grow, and make the carpet damaged or stained.
Be careful of the growth of bacteria. Bacteria will develop rapidly when getting an environment that supports growth, and this will be formed when milk, food is spilled or for example when your beloved animal happens to turn your carpet into a toilet, urine that also has an added odor decomposition of the material by bacteria that produce odors which certainly interfere with comfort. Handle immediately by sipping water using a wet vacuum. Rinse thoroughly with water again, then back in a vacuum, do the drying with sunlight or hairdryer with the ideal distance. Urine that spills when it settles can also be a stain that is difficult to clean with regular washing methods.
First Call Restoration Crew
Suite 402/447 Kent St Sydney NSW 2000
(02) 8311 7377