If it turns out that the glass water level of the estimator is below the lowest limit, immediately stop the fuel entry (turn off the rotary feeder), turn off all blowers, close the main steam shells and other steam supply shells to maintain the amount of water remaining in the calderas.
Look for reasons by checking equipment parts such as:
– Water level indicator on the upper drum
– Water level regulator on the drum
– Water flow meter
– Pressure on the inlet and outlet of the boiler fill water pump
– The water level in the feed water tank
– Water pump (feedwater pump)
– Piping of fill water
And other suspicious things.
If you have found the cause, the basic water level must be recovered. If the base water level in the boiler is within the permitted limits, then switch water filling from the automatic water regulating control to the by-pass system. Then the boiler can be operated again in accordance with the operating instructions.
Power failure
Divert the filling system as soon as possible from the electric pump to the steam pump.
Cover full of shells playing steam (main shell).
Open all kitchen doors and front ash doors.
Open the Fan ID damper 100% normally, by pulling the Arm (lever) opening the ID fan damper.
Divert feed water from the automatic water regulating control system to the by-pass system.
If the water level continues to fall:
Check all condensate exhaust shells and blow down whether there are openings, especially the blowdown shells of the header and from the lower drum.
Keep the boiler filler temperature no more than 100oC. Charging water temperature> 100oC, water has mixed with steam so that it can cause a vacuum in the pump and can cause damage to the pump or decrease pump capacity.
Check the water condition in the feed water tank and supporting equipment in the feed water tank.
Check the condition of the boiler water filler pump used.