In choosing ornamental plants as an interior decoration of the room, you may not just choose. It’s because each type of ornamental plant has different needs and requires special attention. As required the amount of light, the right level of humidity, and the correct placement of plants. You can also go to if you feel like to find out more about ornamental plants, especially peace lily.
There are many more strategies needed to choose and care for ornamental plants that will be placed indoors. Anything? Come, see the following info:
Adjust the type
Ornamental plants are divided into two types, namely leaf ornamental plants, and flower ornamental plants. If you want to choose ornamental plants with beautiful flowers, make sure the flowers also have a fragrant aroma. Why? So that you are not only spoiled with the visuals, but also with the fragrant aroma. Examples are ornamental plants peace lily and anthurium.
While on the type of ornamental plants leaves, you can choose based on the unique shape and style, as well as beautiful colors are seen.
Adjust the function
Ornamental plants placed indoors have a variety of functions, ranging from limiting the view, decorating the corner of the room, or as a means of air circulation. If you intend to beautify, choose unique shapes and patterns with beautiful colors. As for the barrier, use ornamental plants that are large enough and dense leaves.
Adjust the durability
Each ornamental plant has a different resistance to light intensity, humidity, air circulation, and temperature. Therefore, choose plants that are quite resistant to air temperature in the room and not easily die. For that, you need to know how to care for plants so that they can withstand heat and not easily wither.
Measure the strength of sunlight coming into the house
Because ornamental plants have different levels of endurance, you need to measure the intensity of sunlight coming in at the plant placement location. You can use a light meter or measure it manually, using gray paper or using a digital camera. And, make sure you note how long the light shines in a day. After knowing the intensity of the incoming light, of course, you will more easily choose ornamental plants to be placed in the house.