1. Push Notifications Provide Real-Time Communication With Your Congregation
Push notifications are similar to advanced text messages. They are a quick and effective way to communicate with your congregation. Instead of writing it in a bulletin or newsletter or waiting until Sunday to announce upcoming events, use push notifications to send reminders or updates. After you’ve launched your church apps and been introduced to your congregation, they can download it and opt-in church design software to receive push notifications from your church. Calendar reminders, event reminders, invitations, conferences, bible studies, care groups, Sunday sermon themes, prayer alerts, schedule changes, and many other things can be communicated via a push notification.
2. Tithes and donations should be increased.
Your congregation does not need to wait until Sunday to place an offering in the box when they can tithe at any time using the church mobile app. Consider combining your tithing option with a notification and accepting a special offering for a particular need. You can instantly notify your entire congregation that, say, a family is in financial distress and requires assistance. Those who receive the push notification can immediately go to the tithing/donations section and contribute to the cause. It’s quick, safe, simple, and incredibly useful.
3. A more comprehensive and powerful Bible study model
Don’t limit your teaching and studying to just Sundays. Use your Mobile App to combine your blog and sermon audio/video as a unified study tool to take your congregation on an incredible Bible study journey. If you’re teaching through the Book of Romans, for example, your weekly/daily blog posts can educate/teach and encourage users in addition to the Sunday teaching. You work towards a goal by operating in this manner. Your blog posts and teaching combine to make a powerful impact. By the end of your sermon series on the Book of Romans, your users/readers would have received consistent study material in addition to your sermon audio/video, providing them with a thorough understanding of your sermon topic. It’s like having a sermon with a commentary to go with it. It’s far more convenient, powerful, and exciting than doing this manually on a Sunday and then publishing notes in a newsletter. It’s also global, so anyone can take advantage of it.